Showing Crafts that I am interested in
Sunday, 30 September 2018
Made A Start on Quilt & other stuff
I have Finished a pair of socks for DH that I mention in the last post here is the finished pair
I have also made a start on the Wool & Needle III Flannel Quilt which again I mention in previous post so here is the Centre part of it I will be adding a border around it then will do Log Cabin blocks around it
Monday, 24 September 2018
I'm Back to Crafts
Well it has been a while since posting again i had to see the nurse to get the abscess packed every day for 2 months so been a long haul, on the good news side I had my 1st cancer check up & all was good there see them again in 3 months
I have started to do some knitting & quilting i have done 3 mug rugs which is for the 2 nurses who looked after me plus a receptionist at my GP surgery
I have started to do some knitting & quilting i have done 3 mug rugs which is for the 2 nurses who looked after me plus a receptionist at my GP surgery
I have also knitted some socks for me i used Linie 2 Silk colour 112
I have also bought some yarn it is Supersocke 4 fach Merino extrafein colour (2220-2225) looking from left to right except the grey on the right which is 2220 & am knitting a pair of socks for my DH
I have also cut fabric for a flannel quilt which I have been wanting to do as I got the fabric about 2 or more years ago it is Primitive Gathering for Moda Wool & Needles III
They have now got Wool & Needles VI which is very similar as you can see
I hope that I will do better with my posts
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Been in Hospital
Not been around as much as in June I got an abscess which landed me in hospital for nearly a week
It was near the site of the surgery I had for the cancer & taking the lymph nodes so my doctor was worried that it may have been more than just an abscess
I went straight to the hospital & was kept in put on antibiotics which they gave me through the canulla 3 times a day I had it drained which has left a hole
So now I am having to have it packed every day until it heals I was told that I may get infections because of having the lymph nodes taken out which is what I got which in turn in to an abscess.
I had a copy of the written letter which goes to my GP it says that I had stage 3 cancer having had a radical Vulvtectomy on the left side with sentinel taken out which had cancer in & lymph nodes which had microscopic particals of cancer but now all has been removed
I am now trying to get back to being able to do stuff but first need to sort out my stash well all what it is stored in as it has all been put in to the shed which I have to sort out & as I want to start thinking of quilting I do need to do that
I have to see the nurse every day with district nurse coming in at weekends so not getting time to do anything as can't really do too much but I will keep you posted on how I am doing
It was near the site of the surgery I had for the cancer & taking the lymph nodes so my doctor was worried that it may have been more than just an abscess
I went straight to the hospital & was kept in put on antibiotics which they gave me through the canulla 3 times a day I had it drained which has left a hole
So now I am having to have it packed every day until it heals I was told that I may get infections because of having the lymph nodes taken out which is what I got which in turn in to an abscess.
I had a copy of the written letter which goes to my GP it says that I had stage 3 cancer having had a radical Vulvtectomy on the left side with sentinel taken out which had cancer in & lymph nodes which had microscopic particals of cancer but now all has been removed
I am now trying to get back to being able to do stuff but first need to sort out my stash well all what it is stored in as it has all been put in to the shed which I have to sort out & as I want to start thinking of quilting I do need to do that
I have to see the nurse every day with district nurse coming in at weekends so not getting time to do anything as can't really do too much but I will keep you posted on how I am doing
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Am I Mad or What
Am I Mad or What you may ask what am I talking about well I am selling some of my yarn on eBay such as Aran, Chunky & Super Chunky yarn as I need to decrease my yarn stash
So what do I do I order some yarn okay it is 4ply Sock Yarn but in my defence I will be selling some of the dark sock yarn that my Hubby won't wear if I knitted him some in that yarn so what I have ordered is bright ones which I love & can knit socks for me or even as gifts for people I know will like them
Hubby has put some brackets in the shed to make some shelves up as I need room to get some of my stash of fabric in to the shed as need to to get some out of the bungalow, it so the bungalow is not so cluttered we are in the process of turning the small room in to a bedroom we have a new carpet being fitted in a few weeks we then can either get a sofa that turns in to a bed or a proper bed for the room.
I have taken out the table I had in my bedroom so will only have my horn cabinet in there so it don't look so cluttered & more like a bedroom lol
I am itching to do some sewing but still not up to it plus until the work is done I couldn't even if I wanted to but hope to within the next month or so, watch this space for more new on that
So what do I do I order some yarn okay it is 4ply Sock Yarn but in my defence I will be selling some of the dark sock yarn that my Hubby won't wear if I knitted him some in that yarn so what I have ordered is bright ones which I love & can knit socks for me or even as gifts for people I know will like them
Hubby has put some brackets in the shed to make some shelves up as I need room to get some of my stash of fabric in to the shed as need to to get some out of the bungalow, it so the bungalow is not so cluttered we are in the process of turning the small room in to a bedroom we have a new carpet being fitted in a few weeks we then can either get a sofa that turns in to a bed or a proper bed for the room.
I have taken out the table I had in my bedroom so will only have my horn cabinet in there so it don't look so cluttered & more like a bedroom lol
I am itching to do some sewing but still not up to it plus until the work is done I couldn't even if I wanted to but hope to within the next month or so, watch this space for more new on that
Monday, 21 May 2018
Consultant's Vist
I saw the Consultant which went well & as much as I would love to keep him as my consultant when he said he wishes to see me in 4 months I asked if i could be seen at the local hospital which he said he write to them so that I will be seen every 4 months for 2 years then every 6 months up to 5 years.
The lymph fluid has more or less stopped I have now done away with the dressings so am pleased about that.
I am slowly getting my strength back & am doing more but trying not to over doing it
DH has been doing a lot outside to keep busy I think he just pleased that he can do something without thinking about me as I know he has been worried as the family
I have been doing some Genealogy & making connections & I did the DNA last year & that has been helping make connections, when I did it I didn't see how is was going to help but it will
I hope to get back to crafts it will be knitting in the first order but later quilting, apart from me getting back to it I need to sort out my sewing area as we was going to move so we packed up a lot of stuff so as DH is decorating (When he can) need him to do our small room so I can start to unpack just want to do it now but we still have to order a carpet for the room so it will be a little while
The lymph fluid has more or less stopped I have now done away with the dressings so am pleased about that.
I am slowly getting my strength back & am doing more but trying not to over doing it
DH has been doing a lot outside to keep busy I think he just pleased that he can do something without thinking about me as I know he has been worried as the family
I have been doing some Genealogy & making connections & I did the DNA last year & that has been helping make connections, when I did it I didn't see how is was going to help but it will
I hope to get back to crafts it will be knitting in the first order but later quilting, apart from me getting back to it I need to sort out my sewing area as we was going to move so we packed up a lot of stuff so as DH is decorating (When he can) need him to do our small room so I can start to unpack just want to do it now but we still have to order a carpet for the room so it will be a little while
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Post Surgery
Well the surgery in March got cancelled so had it in early April I ws in hospital for 4 days
I had a lot of the Lymph fluid draining out so much so was changing the dressing up to 6 times a day even had to get my DH up at 2 in the morning to change it & another day having a shower at 4.30am it has slowed down now so it not needing to be changed so many times.
Well the good news is that the Lymph Nodes came back clear so as my eldest son says I am in remission not clear.
Me I don't care what you call it clear or remission I just happy that it hadn't spread to the lymph nodes.
I will be seeing the consultant on the 15th May & if it then just follow up I will ask if I can go back to my local hospital for those as it is so much easier for me.
On the craft side while I haven't done any since my surgery I have upgraded my Electric Quilt Program from EQ7 to EQ8 only had it a few days so still learning it but what I like is in the fabric sizes I can put in Fat Quarters so if I am using them it will tell me how many I need of each colour
Will post more when I have seen the consultant also more on the EQ8
I had a lot of the Lymph fluid draining out so much so was changing the dressing up to 6 times a day even had to get my DH up at 2 in the morning to change it & another day having a shower at 4.30am it has slowed down now so it not needing to be changed so many times.
Well the good news is that the Lymph Nodes came back clear so as my eldest son says I am in remission not clear.
Me I don't care what you call it clear or remission I just happy that it hadn't spread to the lymph nodes.
I will be seeing the consultant on the 15th May & if it then just follow up I will ask if I can go back to my local hospital for those as it is so much easier for me.
On the craft side while I haven't done any since my surgery I have upgraded my Electric Quilt Program from EQ7 to EQ8 only had it a few days so still learning it but what I like is in the fabric sizes I can put in Fat Quarters so if I am using them it will tell me how many I need of each colour
Will post more when I have seen the consultant also more on the EQ8
Monday, 5 March 2018
Not Posted For a While
I have not posted for ages I have in 2017 had health issues which is not fully resolved
I had problems with my heart am undergoing tests I have a device in my chest which I guess that you could say is doing 24/7 ECG I was stopped from driving but am hoping that will change when I see the consultant in July after a tilt table test in May.
Then I had a problem as I have lichen sclerosis it flared up or so I thought so my GP refered me & in December I had a biopsy on the vulva
That came back positive for cancer in January I had an operation to remove the tumour plus sentinel node but it came back positive for cancer so I will have another operation to remove the lymph nodes & we will see if that comes back clear
So didn't really do any crafts I read a lot
I am doing a pair of socks for me as while I do need some I need to get some that is loose as Lymphedema is a strong possibility as it's a 50/50 chance of getting it
I will try to post more I go for my operation on 21st March so may not be before I go in
I had problems with my heart am undergoing tests I have a device in my chest which I guess that you could say is doing 24/7 ECG I was stopped from driving but am hoping that will change when I see the consultant in July after a tilt table test in May.
Then I had a problem as I have lichen sclerosis it flared up or so I thought so my GP refered me & in December I had a biopsy on the vulva
That came back positive for cancer in January I had an operation to remove the tumour plus sentinel node but it came back positive for cancer so I will have another operation to remove the lymph nodes & we will see if that comes back clear
So didn't really do any crafts I read a lot
I am doing a pair of socks for me as while I do need some I need to get some that is loose as Lymphedema is a strong possibility as it's a 50/50 chance of getting it
I will try to post more I go for my operation on 21st March so may not be before I go in
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Chevron Quilt
I have been working on a Chevron Quilt for a while most of the time or at least since before Christmas it just sat with no work being done on it
I had some jewel tone layer cake size squares (10 inches) so cut black to match then I sewn them together to cut diagonal to make half colour half black square
I then made them in to the chevron pattern, I used my walking foot to do the stitching on the colour part of the chevron then i did FMQ for the black borders i used a variegated thread I have used a Black flannel for the backing I still just have to add the black binding to finish the quilt
I had some jewel tone layer cake size squares (10 inches) so cut black to match then I sewn them together to cut diagonal to make half colour half black square
I then made them in to the chevron pattern, I used my walking foot to do the stitching on the colour part of the chevron then i did FMQ for the black borders i used a variegated thread I have used a Black flannel for the backing I still just have to add the black binding to finish the quilt
Saturday, 4 February 2017
Belated Happy 2017
A Belated Happy 2017 I haven't posted in a while
Before Christmas DH & me both came down with colds/flu & coughs I collaplased in the hall after getting up so all DH said was he heard a thump & found me naked in the hall so spent time in bed the fall didn't do me any harm
I have been reading a lot i found a author Jean Fullerton who has wrote a series starting with "Call Nurse Millie" there is 3 more in the series 2 of which is more e-books she also done a spin of starting with "Fetch Nurse Connie" there is two in this series I am on the last one of this both start as WW2 ends if you like Call the Midwife TV series these are set around the same sort of area just 10-15 years before as at the beginning there is no NHS
I have knitted a pair of socks for DH i do have to do some more for him as he needs some, these ones are 2x2 rib as he wanted a looser top i cast on 72 stitches then when rib is done i decreased on every 5th row so he seems to be happy with them
I haven't done any sewing/quilting since before Christmas i have to quilt the Black & jewel tone Chevron quilt i have done so have to get that quilted plus do the binding to get it finished
I am so glad that i have a rule that i can't start a new project before i finish the one i am working on or i would have started another one which while i am itching to start i am being so slow finishing the quilt lol
I hope i will do better on posting
Before Christmas DH & me both came down with colds/flu & coughs I collaplased in the hall after getting up so all DH said was he heard a thump & found me naked in the hall so spent time in bed the fall didn't do me any harm
I have been reading a lot i found a author Jean Fullerton who has wrote a series starting with "Call Nurse Millie" there is 3 more in the series 2 of which is more e-books she also done a spin of starting with "Fetch Nurse Connie" there is two in this series I am on the last one of this both start as WW2 ends if you like Call the Midwife TV series these are set around the same sort of area just 10-15 years before as at the beginning there is no NHS
I have knitted a pair of socks for DH i do have to do some more for him as he needs some, these ones are 2x2 rib as he wanted a looser top i cast on 72 stitches then when rib is done i decreased on every 5th row so he seems to be happy with them
I haven't done any sewing/quilting since before Christmas i have to quilt the Black & jewel tone Chevron quilt i have done so have to get that quilted plus do the binding to get it finished
I am so glad that i have a rule that i can't start a new project before i finish the one i am working on or i would have started another one which while i am itching to start i am being so slow finishing the quilt lol
I hope i will do better on posting
Monday, 14 November 2016
Hello I am Back
It has been a while since last posting, I have been doing some projects some for gifts & Swaps plus I have been working on a quilt it is black with Jewel tones in a Chevron pattern will share photo when I have quilted it & finished it off
I have just returned from a coach holiday in Scotland & you quilters will appreicate this as in our hotel room the beds had a throw which was fitted so there was us taking photos & measuring the different bits so I could have them for when I got home well had to do that lol
I have put all the photos in to an album called Scotland 2016 & you will find it at my flickr there other albums there if you wish to look
I hope to share other projects with you later when I either finish them or they have been received
I have just returned from a coach holiday in Scotland & you quilters will appreicate this as in our hotel room the beds had a throw which was fitted so there was us taking photos & measuring the different bits so I could have them for when I got home well had to do that lol
I have put all the photos in to an album called Scotland 2016 & you will find it at my flickr there other albums there if you wish to look
I hope to share other projects with you later when I either finish them or they have been received
Friday, 5 August 2016
More Oven Mitts & Gift Stash
I have been doing some more oven mitts if you look at my blog in May you see the link for the video instructions for them
I done 4 the bottom one is for me the other 3 will be added to my gift stash, what is the gift stash you may ask well it this
I started in January & I do at least 1 gift a month be it knitting or quilting now this year I have not been as good as I was last year but if I count what I have done it does work out that I have at least 1 a month but am behind from where I would like to be
You could take up the challenge even now so you are getting ahead for Christmas or just having gifts if a birthday or an unexpected gift is needed you have something ready
I done 4 the bottom one is for me the other 3 will be added to my gift stash, what is the gift stash you may ask well it this
I started in January & I do at least 1 gift a month be it knitting or quilting now this year I have not been as good as I was last year but if I count what I have done it does work out that I have at least 1 a month but am behind from where I would like to be
You could take up the challenge even now so you are getting ahead for Christmas or just having gifts if a birthday or an unexpected gift is needed you have something ready
Saturday, 30 July 2016
Knitting & Sewing
I have done a pair of socks which I did using ONline Stretch Cotton yarn have done these for one of my granddaughters she wanted purple or black so still have to knit the black socks
I had a go at doing some round placemats got the idea from Pinterest I used buckram to put the two layers of fabric together not sure if I am that happy with them DH said they are okay instead of the 9 patch I used smaller squares so used more then I actually use a bowl I had to mark the circle as I didn't want it as large as the original stated I did these as scrappy but have lots of ideas for different ones could even use felt both sides & no buckram or wadding & just do some applique
I had a go at doing some round placemats got the idea from Pinterest I used buckram to put the two layers of fabric together not sure if I am that happy with them DH said they are okay instead of the 9 patch I used smaller squares so used more then I actually use a bowl I had to mark the circle as I didn't want it as large as the original stated I did these as scrappy but have lots of ideas for different ones could even use felt both sides & no buckram or wadding & just do some applique
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Saturday, 25 June 2016
New Carpet & Holiday
This is a non Craft post this time it
We went to Somerset for a holiday didn't take many photos but if you like to see them I put them at Flickr so you can see them there
When we came back we had to finish packing up & empting our sitting room for a new carpet which we have had fitted & then had to put everything back in below are photos as some have asked to see them as you see the view from the sitting room to the small room in the bungalow then you see where the sofa is that is the back of the sitting room where I took the photo looking up the bungalow from
We went to Somerset for a holiday didn't take many photos but if you like to see them I put them at Flickr so you can see them there
When we came back we had to finish packing up & empting our sitting room for a new carpet which we have had fitted & then had to put everything back in below are photos as some have asked to see them as you see the view from the sitting room to the small room in the bungalow then you see where the sofa is that is the back of the sitting room where I took the photo looking up the bungalow from
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Oven Mitt
I got to do a small sewing/quilting project this is for a swap which is way over due but it will be given this coming week
I wanted to do some Oven Mitt the type that is one length & you put your hand in each end I got this pattern
from Crafty Gemini you can see the Easy DIY Double Oven Mitt On YouTube so below is my 1st attempt at doing this I have added a brass ring to be able to hang it up
I wanted to do some Oven Mitt the type that is one length & you put your hand in each end I got this pattern
from Crafty Gemini you can see the Easy DIY Double Oven Mitt On YouTube so below is my 1st attempt at doing this I have added a brass ring to be able to hang it up
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Hello, Not Posted for a while as I had my cataracts on my left eye done at the end of March the week before I had it done I passed out in the supermarket & it been my blood pressure being low also had blood test & it showing an under active thyroid but nothing being done until I have another blood test next month
When having it done I was having it done & they had to stop & put an needle to be able to take some drugs to lower the eye pressure in the eye as it went too high
I had even before the operation finding if I was watching TV or looking at one area for a bit I would get double vision anyway I had my eye test for my new glasses & it turns out the left eye goes to one side a bit boss eyed they are hoping the new glasses may help correct it but said when I get tired it will still happen
I had not done any crafts until this week when I have knitted a picture washcloth it called Dutchie's Windmill you can see my one below & this pattern plus many more at Rachel's site I could go mad getting these patterns
I am hoping to get to do some quilting it been the craft that I have not started since my eye operation as I am still finding that I am feeling tired so struggling to get to do what I want
When having it done I was having it done & they had to stop & put an needle to be able to take some drugs to lower the eye pressure in the eye as it went too high
I had even before the operation finding if I was watching TV or looking at one area for a bit I would get double vision anyway I had my eye test for my new glasses & it turns out the left eye goes to one side a bit boss eyed they are hoping the new glasses may help correct it but said when I get tired it will still happen
I had not done any crafts until this week when I have knitted a picture washcloth it called Dutchie's Windmill you can see my one below & this pattern plus many more at Rachel's site I could go mad getting these patterns
I am hoping to get to do some quilting it been the craft that I have not started since my eye operation as I am still finding that I am feeling tired so struggling to get to do what I want
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
New Wash Cloths
I have been knitting wash cloths a couple of the photos may come out sideways but figure it out I think
I got the Patterns from Knitwit Heaven & digknittydesigns I have done 3 new ones the first is a Celtic Cross the second is a Tractor & the third is a Wishing Well
I am sorry that the Celtic Cross is a side view I figure out what I was doing wrong I took it with my tablet & when sending it to myself I kept it as original size but with the Tractor I resized it when it asked & it came out correct the Wishing Well I took with my camera after I had charged the batteries up
I got the Patterns from Knitwit Heaven & digknittydesigns I have done 3 new ones the first is a Celtic Cross the second is a Tractor & the third is a Wishing Well
I am sorry that the Celtic Cross is a side view I figure out what I was doing wrong I took it with my tablet & when sending it to myself I kept it as original size but with the Tractor I resized it when it asked & it came out correct the Wishing Well I took with my camera after I had charged the batteries up
Friday, 19 February 2016
Mug Rugs & Knitted Cloths
I have done a Mug Rug for a swap I used felt & did it as a Cupcake sorry that it a side view it not like that on my computer
I also been knitting some dish/washcloths I had done some for a swap but forgot to take photos of those but have done a couple of ones for my gift stash again photo loads as a side view can't understand why this is
The heart cloth is done in Tea Rose & is Heart's delight from it comes under Valentine's heading
The other one is just a diagonal one
I also been knitting some dish/washcloths I had done some for a swap but forgot to take photos of those but have done a couple of ones for my gift stash again photo loads as a side view can't understand why this is
The heart cloth is done in Tea Rose & is Heart's delight from it comes under Valentine's heading
The other one is just a diagonal one
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Sampler Quilt
First let me wish you All a belated Happy New Year this is my 1st blog of the year
I been in charge of doing a KYO BOM which is Keep Your Own Block of the Month
I started May 2015 & it will finish in April 2016 but as I had to pick them I have finished the list & done it so I could get on with other things also I wanted to do the blocks in to a lap/single quilt which I have done the finish size is 49" x 62 " below is photos of the quilt I used a flannel for the backing it a light blue but can't really tell by the photos & I did a random/meandering style FMQ using a variegated thread which had red & white & colours in between
I been in charge of doing a KYO BOM which is Keep Your Own Block of the Month
I started May 2015 & it will finish in April 2016 but as I had to pick them I have finished the list & done it so I could get on with other things also I wanted to do the blocks in to a lap/single quilt which I have done the finish size is 49" x 62 " below is photos of the quilt I used a flannel for the backing it a light blue but can't really tell by the photos & I did a random/meandering style FMQ using a variegated thread which had red & white & colours in between
Lap Quilt Sampler |
![]() |
Lap Quilt Sampler |
Top half of Lap Quilt |
Bottom half of lap Quilt |
Close up of Reverse size of Lap Quilt |
Reverse size of Lap Quilt |
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Non Craft
This post is a non craft one, my DH has always said when he replaces wardrobes in his room he wants old/second-hand as he don't like the new stuff
Well a few weeks ago he saw a Wardrobe which was in a Charity shop still up for a lot of money so everytime he would go there it was there it had dropped a little
Last week I had gone with him & he said you have to look at it & must say it was really nice it had dropped but still expensive but not when you look at it if you know what i mean
They said there is a dressing table priced £300 also with it & showed us the maker is S&H Jewells of Holborn London the lady said they closed early 1900s the dressing table was beautiful as was the wardrobe
So I asked if they do delivery & if they take an offer so with a bit of negotiation got it with a further drop, as much as the dressing table was beautiful we didn't have room for that
But we saw a what i think is a Gentleman's cupboard so that was added with me getting a little off Below is photos of the Wardrobe which i think is Walnut or parts are then the cabinet which is a darker wood could be Oak
I am sorry that I can't show the photo correctly but for some reason even with it being correct on my laptop when putting here it tends to load with it on it side so am sorry for that but I don't have the knowledge to correct this
Well a few weeks ago he saw a Wardrobe which was in a Charity shop still up for a lot of money so everytime he would go there it was there it had dropped a little
Last week I had gone with him & he said you have to look at it & must say it was really nice it had dropped but still expensive but not when you look at it if you know what i mean
They said there is a dressing table priced £300 also with it & showed us the maker is S&H Jewells of Holborn London the lady said they closed early 1900s the dressing table was beautiful as was the wardrobe
So I asked if they do delivery & if they take an offer so with a bit of negotiation got it with a further drop, as much as the dressing table was beautiful we didn't have room for that
But we saw a what i think is a Gentleman's cupboard so that was added with me getting a little off Below is photos of the Wardrobe which i think is Walnut or parts are then the cabinet which is a darker wood could be Oak
I am sorry that I can't show the photo correctly but for some reason even with it being correct on my laptop when putting here it tends to load with it on it side so am sorry for that but I don't have the knowledge to correct this
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Here a cushion I have made it for a gift
But I didn't want it to be a Christmassy one so not done a Star or used Christmas fabric that said the red does have a little Christmas feel to it
While it is a square the photo is on it side the white bit should be on top as that my sewing machine
But I didn't want it to be a Christmassy one so not done a Star or used Christmas fabric that said the red does have a little Christmas feel to it
While it is a square the photo is on it side the white bit should be on top as that my sewing machine
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
KYO Block December
I have done December's block which is a Cluster of Stars I hope you like it you find it at Quilterscache but if you click on the block name it the link
I still have January, Febuary, March & April left in this Keep your Own (KYO) block then I will turn all the blocks in to something may be a quilt not sure yet
I have also added the pair of socks I have done for a gift they are done in a denim colour 4 ply Regia
I still have January, Febuary, March & April left in this Keep your Own (KYO) block then I will turn all the blocks in to something may be a quilt not sure yet
I have also added the pair of socks I have done for a gift they are done in a denim colour 4 ply Regia
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Some Gifts I Have Given
As I had posted in Yesterday's Blog here is some gifts I did
I did a cushion cover & put in the insert I used a pattern from Quilterscache the pattern is Starflower it very much like a Christmas Star Pattern on other sites or on Pinterest I put in Christmas Star Quilt Block & you can see some images of some Here
I also did a Table Runner which is the Last Minute Table Runner you can find the Tutorial on YouTube there is variations of this as well I put in 10 minute table runner & came up with these LINKS ignore the first couple of ones on the list lol
So enough chatter here is the photos there is one of the cushion & two of the runner
I did a cushion cover & put in the insert I used a pattern from Quilterscache the pattern is Starflower it very much like a Christmas Star Pattern on other sites or on Pinterest I put in Christmas Star Quilt Block & you can see some images of some Here
I also did a Table Runner which is the Last Minute Table Runner you can find the Tutorial on YouTube there is variations of this as well I put in 10 minute table runner & came up with these LINKS ignore the first couple of ones on the list lol
So enough chatter here is the photos there is one of the cushion & two of the runner
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Christmas is Coming
Christmas is coming & today we went to Milton Keynes which is a shopping centre/mall they had their Christmas bits out so took a few photos with my phone so not great shots
This is just a little taster of what was there at Christmas is the one time I wish for a small one that still believe in the magic of Christmas & all that goes with it
Now days it all about sales & pushing the goods so it don't have to go in to the sales & a lot of people don't even think hand-made items is worth having they don't realise that it can be more expensive to do an hand-made item than just going out to buy something or give money
I think making something for someone gives me a lovely feeling I am putting all my love & prayers in to it even if it don't always come out quite as I expected or wanted
We soon be in to December & the final countdown to the Big Day I have been tempted to put up the Christmas tree for a week or so but that because I have been watching Christmas films
I am knitting a pair of socks at present for DH will possible do a few other small bits this side of the year as come the New Year I start my Gift Stash.
What this you may be asking well I try to do at least 1 gift each month be it knitted or quilted some months if I have worked on a large project for more than a month I may not get something done but then there be months where I do more than one item so it balances out
May be you like to think about joining me I will share more towards the end of the year
I will also be sharing some gifts I done recently that I Haven't shown so keep tuning in
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