It is the end of Wk 12 (23rd Nov - 29th Nov) & I finished yet another pair socks I know that it been a bit boring with me doing mostly socks but that what most of the single men or boys are getting you see the latest one below they are a Grey Marl colour using a 4 ply yarn I have more of this one so will be doing more next year for DH in this yarn.
You also see below some blocks I just done they are Double Neck Tie Block you can find the pattern Here these were for the lottery block on our online retreat which we did at my Online Group well I didn't win & I was a bit slow in doing these it been a week since we had the draw but they will be in the post so they be winging their way to Claudia who won them.
I have ordered 2 new Thimbleberry books by Lynnette Jensen they are Thimbleberries You're Invited" & Block by Block to Beautiful Quilts" both I am getting from Amazon UK but it from sellers as it cheaper than getting from them & they still are new they should be here in the next week or so.
Well tomorrow is the first of December & the count down to Christmas really begins I don't think I have many more gifts to do possible a couple more pairs of socks but no sewing that said I am still working on the Applique Top which may be a gift not a 100% sure I do really like it but it just a little small for my table on how DH likes it he likes it to hang over rather than a centre piece so I know his brother has the same table as us but with the centre piece still in we taken ours out as there is just the 2 of us most of the time so it will make a nice table topper or even a centre piece on a bed I am hoping to finish it this week so it may be on next weeks report hope you all are getting on well with your gifts & the weather is not too bad where ever you are we had a lot of rain & winds & will be having more over the coming week but we have not had it anywhere near as bad as Cumbria has had it so please keep them in your thoughts & prayers
Monday, 30 November 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
Has this Happen To You?
I hope all those who celebrated Thanksgiving had a good one, we don't here in the UK so we will be gearing up for the big one which is Christmas.
Well the title of this post is Has this happen to You? & you will be asking what, well my friend & I have been talking about getting a project started after Christmas but we want to see if we can sort it out now so if we need supplies we may be lucky enough to get it in the sales that may happen after Christmas.
Well I was saying that I like a quilt I have in a Book or Magazine may not do it but when I originally saw it I liked it so much or should say the colours I got some of the colours.
Well do you think I can remember where I saw it I been looking through my books which I did thing it was in but no so started to pull out all the magazines now I know it at least a year old it is if I remembered right a simple 9 patch but it uses pastel colours it uses a White or WoW & does the patches in pink & white, yellow & white, Mint Green & white ect yet I can't find the magazine or book so am getting rather frustrated I guess it will be go & pull all the magazines out yet again lol
I hope to be sewing today want to work on the Applique top that was my Quilting Group project want to get this finished in the next week if I can.
Both DH & Me have had the swine flu jab on Wednesday it can & has caused sore arms but that been it so far but you know you had it but it not that bad you can't use the arm just don't lay on it or knock it lol
Well I am about to start looking again for the pattern hope I am lucky this time I may sort out the magazines in to the groups which may help we see, if I have any advice for those who get magazines regular is as you see a pattern write it in a journal, on computer or label on front guess who not done that lol
As you will see below I found the book it was in a book called Learn to Machine Quilt by Sharon Chambers it was the colours that have stood out for me which stuck in my mind so what do you all think of this?
I only found it after pulling out all my magazines & having big trouble putting them back & looking at the books starting at one end I did feel it was a book rather than a magazine but you know how the memory can play tricks on you well it does with me the old grey cells are not what they once was lol
Well the title of this post is Has this happen to You? & you will be asking what, well my friend & I have been talking about getting a project started after Christmas but we want to see if we can sort it out now so if we need supplies we may be lucky enough to get it in the sales that may happen after Christmas.
Well I was saying that I like a quilt I have in a Book or Magazine may not do it but when I originally saw it I liked it so much or should say the colours I got some of the colours.
Well do you think I can remember where I saw it I been looking through my books which I did thing it was in but no so started to pull out all the magazines now I know it at least a year old it is if I remembered right a simple 9 patch but it uses pastel colours it uses a White or WoW & does the patches in pink & white, yellow & white, Mint Green & white ect yet I can't find the magazine or book so am getting rather frustrated I guess it will be go & pull all the magazines out yet again lol
I hope to be sewing today want to work on the Applique top that was my Quilting Group project want to get this finished in the next week if I can.
Both DH & Me have had the swine flu jab on Wednesday it can & has caused sore arms but that been it so far but you know you had it but it not that bad you can't use the arm just don't lay on it or knock it lol
Well I am about to start looking again for the pattern hope I am lucky this time I may sort out the magazines in to the groups which may help we see, if I have any advice for those who get magazines regular is as you see a pattern write it in a journal, on computer or label on front guess who not done that lol
As you will see below I found the book it was in a book called Learn to Machine Quilt by Sharon Chambers it was the colours that have stood out for me which stuck in my mind so what do you all think of this?
I only found it after pulling out all my magazines & having big trouble putting them back & looking at the books starting at one end I did feel it was a book rather than a magazine but you know how the memory can play tricks on you well it does with me the old grey cells are not what they once was lol
Monday, 23 November 2009
A Christmas Gift Challenge End of Wk 11
End of Week 11 (16th Nov - 22nd Nov) of the Christmas Gift Challenge I have managed to do 1 gift which is a pair of 6 ply socks I used Regia yarn this is the first pair I did on this yarn & if I do any for DH I will make adjustments, one adjustment I do to any socks I do on 4 plys & now will do it on this is to cast on & do the first round not only as a knit row but on larger needles than I use for the sock so these were done on 3.5mm DPs needles I would cast on using 4mm & the first row to set where the stiches go on which needle then change to the 3.5mm ones as I start to do the k1, p1, rib I did these as the same size as a 4 ply pair so where I cast on 60 stitches for DH & most of the men I would knit for the same size in 6 ply calls for 48 stitches.
I also when knitting count rows so I count how many I do for rib, then set to zero & count for the leg do as pattern for heel flap, heel & instep, back to zero & do the foot then do the decrease for the toe this way I get both socks to match I find that trying to measure while on the needles I can have a slight difference between them this way works for me.
I have started another pair of socks that all I seem to be doing is socks on the knitting & table runners for the sewing lol
I went to my Quilting Group on Saturday which was a great day pin the applique top & have started to quilt it, the down side of Saturday is that was the last one of not only the year but until February I can understand that Janet of Jansmuses who runs it needs time to have a break also her DD Annette won't be able to help & DD Suzanne may not be able to every meeting they will really be missed they are great girls & a great asset to their mum you can see more on the quilting day at Jan's blog.
I hope to have more done next week but don't hold your breath as I do seem to be slowing down also I want to do the applique if I can, I do have some blocks to do which I have been rather lazy in doing these are for a Lottery block on my online quilting group well the winner was annouced & I now have to get them done so I can send them to Claudia who one I had signed up for 4 blocks so will hope to get them done this week.
On Wednesday DH & I hope to get the swine flu jab this will be the 3rd time we had a appointment first one got cancelled due to the funeral being the next day of my DSIL just in case any side effects then last week was due to go but it the afternoon I got sick & was laid up so have it booked for this week fingers crossed we can make it
I also when knitting count rows so I count how many I do for rib, then set to zero & count for the leg do as pattern for heel flap, heel & instep, back to zero & do the foot then do the decrease for the toe this way I get both socks to match I find that trying to measure while on the needles I can have a slight difference between them this way works for me.
I have started another pair of socks that all I seem to be doing is socks on the knitting & table runners for the sewing lol
I went to my Quilting Group on Saturday which was a great day pin the applique top & have started to quilt it, the down side of Saturday is that was the last one of not only the year but until February I can understand that Janet of Jansmuses who runs it needs time to have a break also her DD Annette won't be able to help & DD Suzanne may not be able to every meeting they will really be missed they are great girls & a great asset to their mum you can see more on the quilting day at Jan's blog.
I hope to have more done next week but don't hold your breath as I do seem to be slowing down also I want to do the applique if I can, I do have some blocks to do which I have been rather lazy in doing these are for a Lottery block on my online quilting group well the winner was annouced & I now have to get them done so I can send them to Claudia who one I had signed up for 4 blocks so will hope to get them done this week.
On Wednesday DH & I hope to get the swine flu jab this will be the 3rd time we had a appointment first one got cancelled due to the funeral being the next day of my DSIL just in case any side effects then last week was due to go but it the afternoon I got sick & was laid up so have it booked for this week fingers crossed we can make it
Friday, 20 November 2009
Genealogy, Not all are Rogues
Well I haven't posted much of late, & this posting is not about any craft but my 2nd Great Grandfather Alfred Stokes, he was the hero of a famous crime a murder which until Jack the Ripper was the most famous of the East End of London & the murderer even was & may be still is in Madame Tusaunds so here a little about it.
1. HENRY WAINWRIGHT (37) and THOMAS GEORGE WAINWRIGHT (30), were indicted for the wilful murder of Harriet Louisa Lane in a second count Henry Wainwright was alleged to have committed the murder, and Thomas George Wainwright was charged as an accessory after the fact. A third count stated the deceased to be a woman unknown.
ALFRED PHILIP STOKES . I live at 34, Baker's Row, Whitechapel, and am a brush maker—in September this year I was in Mr. Martin's service as manager, at 78, New Road, Whitechapel—the prisoner Henry Wainwright was also in his service as a manager—I was in the service five or six weeks, and Henry Wainwright about eleven weeks before the particular Saturday—I have known Henry Wainwright between seventeen and eighteen years—he carried on a brushmakers business formerly at 84, Whitechapel Road—that was the shop at which the articles were sold—I worked for him away from the premises, and used to take my work home to the shop—I have worked for him on and off for between seventeen and eighteen years—I know the premises 215, Whitechapel Road as a packing place—a man named West used to live there first—I am speaking about the time when Wainwright had the premises—West was his chief clerk and lived there—West left somewhere in July, 1874, after which the premises were unoccupied so far as to persons living there, but they were used for packing premises down stairs—they remained unoccupied as a residence till Rogers went there in November, 1874—they were shut up at night, and I believe the keys were always put in the counting house at No. 84, until the fire—Henry Wainwright went out of business about a month before he went into Mr. Martin's service, he then told me that he lived at School House Lane, Chingford, but I never went to his place—on the Thursday or Friday before Saturday, 11th September, 1875, I told him that I had bought a chain for the scales (we were then in Mr. Martin's shop)—he said "Oh yes, it is very useful," and then he said "I have a chopper and a shovel to sell likewise, which will be very useful," I said "So they will, sir, as we require them for the place"—nothing more was said at that time—we were at work on the Saturday afternoon about 6.30 in Mr. Martin's presence, and he said "Will you carry a parcel for me, Stokes?"—I said "Yes sir, with the greatest of pleasure" we then left together and went to 215, Whitechapel Road—we went in at the back through Vine Court—he took a key out of his pocket and opened the door—we both went in and he asked me to go upstairs and fetch down a parcel—I went upstairs underneath this part, and through by the sky light into the dwelling rooms—that was 80 or 90 feet from the spot where we came in—I looked for the parcel but could not find it—I went down found him at the furthest end of the place, and told him I could not find any parcel—he said "Never mind, Stokes, I will find them where I placed them a fortnight ago, under the straw"—there was some straw there, not in the corner but just on the stone work—as you enter from Vine Court there are some flag stones—I saw the straw up in a corner and saw two parcels tied round with rope and some black American cloth—he said "These are the parcels I want you to carry, Stokes"—I lifted them up and
To Read the full story from the Old Bailey Trial Transcript click Here you can also read a short bit on him at East London History I had always thought that I would find that I had the rogue gallery in my lot but seems that at least someone stood up & did the right thing
A bit more on Alfred Philip Stokes you see down to Robert Alfred Smith who is my dad
First Generation
1. Alfred Philip Stokes. Born on 11 Apr 1824. Alfred Philip was baptized in Saint Leonards, Shoreditch, London on 4 Apr 1825. Occupation: Brush Maker Journeyman (1857).
On 15 Jan 1844 when Alfred Philip was 19, he first married Hepzibah Anderson, daughter of George Anderson & Elizabeth, in St Philip's Church Bethnal Green Lnd. Born on 3 May 1801 in Whitechapel London Middlesex. Hepzibah was baptized in Holywell Mount Independent Chapel Shoreditch, London on 1 Jun 1801.
Witnesses to marriage Henry charles Stokes & Eleanor Ellis
On 1 Oct 1848 when Alfred Philip was 24, he second married Caroline Barcklay, daughter of Joseph Barcklay & Susannah, in St Peter Church District of St Andrews Saffron Hill Holborn. Born in 1830 in Stepney London. Caroline was baptized in Spitalfields Christ Church, Stepney, London on 4 Aug 1830.
Name also spelt Barclay
They had the following children:
i. Alfred. Born abt 1850 in Clerkenwell Middlesex.
ii. Joseph. Born abt 1852 in Clerkenwell Middlesex.
iii. Rachel Elizabeth. Born abt 1855 in Clerkenwell Middlesex.
In Jun Qrt 1873 when Rachel Elizabeth was 18, she married George Rayner, in Bethnal Green London.
2 iv. Caroline (1857-)
3 v. Henry (~1860-)
vi. Hannah. Born abt 1862 in Spitafields Middlesex.
vii. Arthur. Born abt 1864 in Spitafields Middlesex.
Alfred at time of Marriage gives as residence 5 Silver St Clerkenwell, & Caroline 8 Peter St
Witnesses William Henry Hitchern (Heitchern) & Thomas Turner
It gives Alfred as a Bachelor but it believed he was still married to Hepzibah, no death or further info found on her
Second Generation
2. Caroline Stokes. Born on 4 Oct 1857 in Back of 12 Stoke St Birmingham Warwickshire. Caroline was baptized in Saint Thomas, Birmingham, Warwick, England on 25 Oct 1857.
Census: 1911 Census living at 18 Brewer St London Fields
On 18 Mar 1876 when Caroline was 18, she married James Henry Smith, son of James Smith (11 Apr 1833-) & Emma Ray (5 Feb 1836-), in St Thomas's Church, Bethnal Green, London.1 Born on 8 Feb 1857 in 7 Ada Place Bethnal Green London.1 James Henry died in 55 The Broadway London Fields Hackney on 13 Jun 1907, he was 50.
They had the following children:
4 i. James Henry (1876-1939)
5 ii. Thomas Walter (~1883-)
iii. Caroline Emma. Born abt 1884 in Bethnal Green London.
6 iv. Annie Rosena (~1886-)
v. Rachel Elizabeth. Born abt 1889 in Hackney London.
vi. Florence Violet. Born abt 1892 in Hackney London. Occupation: Milliner.
7 vii. Edward Arthur (1893-)
viii. Daisy Violet. Born abt 1897 in Hackney London. Occupation: Milliner.
ix. Elizabeth Lily. Born abt 1900 in Hackney London.
Residence as given on marriage cert James 164 Birdcage Walk, & Caroline 9 Baxendale St.
Witnesses John Smith & Hannah Smith
3. Henry Stokes. Born abt 1860 in Birmingham Warwickshire.
Henry married Emma. Born abt 1863 in Bethnal Green London.
They had the following children:
i. Emma. Born abt 1885 in Hackney London.
ii. Martha. Born abt 1887 in Hackney London.
iii. Ada. Born abt 1888 in Hackney London.
iv. Henry. Born abt 1890 in Bethnal Green London.
v. UNNAMED. Born in Mar 1901 in Hackney London.
Third Generation
4. James Henry Smith. Born on 1 Jun 1876 in 136 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green, London.1 James Henry died in Hackney Hospital, Hackney, London on 7 May 1939, he was 62.1 Was on the census for 1 Albion Terrace, Derby Rd, Hackney London in 1901. Buried in Manor Park, London.
Last address is 260 Rushmore Rd, Hackney, he lived here over his shoe shop. His age is given as 62 on his death certificate.
Census: 1901: 1 Albion Terrace, Derby Rd, Hackney
On 25 Dec 1895 when James Henry was 19, he married Emma Storey, daughter of John William Storey (24 May 1860-5 Nov 1924) & Susannah Lyons (abt 1860/61-29 Mar 1917), in St Paul's Church, Haggerston, Shoreditch.1 Born on 17 Nov 1878 in 1 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green, London. Emma died in Hackney Hospital Hackney Lnd on 18 Apr 1960, she was 81.
Census: on 1911 census it says 11 children born alive, with 6 still alive. 5 died address is 11 Cranbrook St Bethnal Green
They had the following children:
i. Daisy Lily (1900-)
ii. Charles E (~1903-)
iii. John (~1905-)
iv. Violet Rose (1907-1974)
v. Edward Arthur (1909-)
vi. James (~1910-)
vii. Robert Alfred (1912-1988)
viii. Doris Victoria (1913-1996)
ix. Florence Caroline (1919-2004)
5. Thomas Walter Smith. Born abt 1883 in Bethnal Green London.
On 28 May 1899 when Thomas Walter was 16, he married Eliza A Walker, daughter of James S Walker (abt 1845-), in St Pauls Church Haggerston Lnd. Born abt 1879.
They had one child:
i. Eliza (~1900-)
In 1899 When Eliza & Thomas Married her address was 81 Broadway London Fields it looks like 81 Thomas was at 55 Broadway Witnesses was Herbert Silliven or Gilliven (Could be Sullivan) & Caroline Smith Father of Eliza is James Walker Stallman deceased
6. Annie Rosena Smith. Born abt 1886 in Bethnal Green London.
On 3 Apr 1905 when Annie Rosena was 19, she married John Henry Gilkes, in St Paul's Church Haggeston London. Born on 24 Jun 1883.
They had one child
i. John Henry (1905-)
7. Edward Arthur Smith. Born on 2 Oct 1893 in Hackney London. Occupation: Carman.
In 4 Qrt 1911 when Edward Arthur was 17, he married Rosina Stannard, in Hackney District. Born on 12 Nov 1894 in 34 Turville Street Bethnal Green Lnd.
They had one child:
i. Florence (1915-)
1. HENRY WAINWRIGHT (37) and THOMAS GEORGE WAINWRIGHT (30), were indicted for the wilful murder of Harriet Louisa Lane in a second count Henry Wainwright was alleged to have committed the murder, and Thomas George Wainwright was charged as an accessory after the fact. A third count stated the deceased to be a woman unknown.
ALFRED PHILIP STOKES . I live at 34, Baker's Row, Whitechapel, and am a brush maker—in September this year I was in Mr. Martin's service as manager, at 78, New Road, Whitechapel—the prisoner Henry Wainwright was also in his service as a manager—I was in the service five or six weeks, and Henry Wainwright about eleven weeks before the particular Saturday—I have known Henry Wainwright between seventeen and eighteen years—he carried on a brushmakers business formerly at 84, Whitechapel Road—that was the shop at which the articles were sold—I worked for him away from the premises, and used to take my work home to the shop—I have worked for him on and off for between seventeen and eighteen years—I know the premises 215, Whitechapel Road as a packing place—a man named West used to live there first—I am speaking about the time when Wainwright had the premises—West was his chief clerk and lived there—West left somewhere in July, 1874, after which the premises were unoccupied so far as to persons living there, but they were used for packing premises down stairs—they remained unoccupied as a residence till Rogers went there in November, 1874—they were shut up at night, and I believe the keys were always put in the counting house at No. 84, until the fire—Henry Wainwright went out of business about a month before he went into Mr. Martin's service, he then told me that he lived at School House Lane, Chingford, but I never went to his place—on the Thursday or Friday before Saturday, 11th September, 1875, I told him that I had bought a chain for the scales (we were then in Mr. Martin's shop)—he said "Oh yes, it is very useful," and then he said "I have a chopper and a shovel to sell likewise, which will be very useful," I said "So they will, sir, as we require them for the place"—nothing more was said at that time—we were at work on the Saturday afternoon about 6.30 in Mr. Martin's presence, and he said "Will you carry a parcel for me, Stokes?"—I said "Yes sir, with the greatest of pleasure" we then left together and went to 215, Whitechapel Road—we went in at the back through Vine Court—he took a key out of his pocket and opened the door—we both went in and he asked me to go upstairs and fetch down a parcel—I went upstairs underneath this part, and through by the sky light into the dwelling rooms—that was 80 or 90 feet from the spot where we came in—I looked for the parcel but could not find it—I went down found him at the furthest end of the place, and told him I could not find any parcel—he said "Never mind, Stokes, I will find them where I placed them a fortnight ago, under the straw"—there was some straw there, not in the corner but just on the stone work—as you enter from Vine Court there are some flag stones—I saw the straw up in a corner and saw two parcels tied round with rope and some black American cloth—he said "These are the parcels I want you to carry, Stokes"—I lifted them up and
To Read the full story from the Old Bailey Trial Transcript click Here you can also read a short bit on him at East London History I had always thought that I would find that I had the rogue gallery in my lot but seems that at least someone stood up & did the right thing
A bit more on Alfred Philip Stokes you see down to Robert Alfred Smith who is my dad
First Generation
1. Alfred Philip Stokes. Born on 11 Apr 1824. Alfred Philip was baptized in Saint Leonards, Shoreditch, London on 4 Apr 1825. Occupation: Brush Maker Journeyman (1857).
On 15 Jan 1844 when Alfred Philip was 19, he first married Hepzibah Anderson, daughter of George Anderson & Elizabeth, in St Philip's Church Bethnal Green Lnd. Born on 3 May 1801 in Whitechapel London Middlesex. Hepzibah was baptized in Holywell Mount Independent Chapel Shoreditch, London on 1 Jun 1801.
Witnesses to marriage Henry charles Stokes & Eleanor Ellis
On 1 Oct 1848 when Alfred Philip was 24, he second married Caroline Barcklay, daughter of Joseph Barcklay & Susannah, in St Peter Church District of St Andrews Saffron Hill Holborn. Born in 1830 in Stepney London. Caroline was baptized in Spitalfields Christ Church, Stepney, London on 4 Aug 1830.
Name also spelt Barclay
They had the following children:
i. Alfred. Born abt 1850 in Clerkenwell Middlesex.
ii. Joseph. Born abt 1852 in Clerkenwell Middlesex.
iii. Rachel Elizabeth. Born abt 1855 in Clerkenwell Middlesex.
In Jun Qrt 1873 when Rachel Elizabeth was 18, she married George Rayner, in Bethnal Green London.
2 iv. Caroline (1857-)
3 v. Henry (~1860-)
vi. Hannah. Born abt 1862 in Spitafields Middlesex.
vii. Arthur. Born abt 1864 in Spitafields Middlesex.
Alfred at time of Marriage gives as residence 5 Silver St Clerkenwell, & Caroline 8 Peter St
Witnesses William Henry Hitchern (Heitchern) & Thomas Turner
It gives Alfred as a Bachelor but it believed he was still married to Hepzibah, no death or further info found on her
Second Generation
2. Caroline Stokes. Born on 4 Oct 1857 in Back of 12 Stoke St Birmingham Warwickshire. Caroline was baptized in Saint Thomas, Birmingham, Warwick, England on 25 Oct 1857.
Census: 1911 Census living at 18 Brewer St London Fields
On 18 Mar 1876 when Caroline was 18, she married James Henry Smith, son of James Smith (11 Apr 1833-) & Emma Ray (5 Feb 1836-), in St Thomas's Church, Bethnal Green, London.1 Born on 8 Feb 1857 in 7 Ada Place Bethnal Green London.1 James Henry died in 55 The Broadway London Fields Hackney on 13 Jun 1907, he was 50.
They had the following children:
4 i. James Henry (1876-1939)
5 ii. Thomas Walter (~1883-)
iii. Caroline Emma. Born abt 1884 in Bethnal Green London.
6 iv. Annie Rosena (~1886-)
v. Rachel Elizabeth. Born abt 1889 in Hackney London.
vi. Florence Violet. Born abt 1892 in Hackney London. Occupation: Milliner.
7 vii. Edward Arthur (1893-)
viii. Daisy Violet. Born abt 1897 in Hackney London. Occupation: Milliner.
ix. Elizabeth Lily. Born abt 1900 in Hackney London.
Residence as given on marriage cert James 164 Birdcage Walk, & Caroline 9 Baxendale St.
Witnesses John Smith & Hannah Smith
3. Henry Stokes. Born abt 1860 in Birmingham Warwickshire.
Henry married Emma. Born abt 1863 in Bethnal Green London.
They had the following children:
i. Emma. Born abt 1885 in Hackney London.
ii. Martha. Born abt 1887 in Hackney London.
iii. Ada. Born abt 1888 in Hackney London.
iv. Henry. Born abt 1890 in Bethnal Green London.
v. UNNAMED. Born in Mar 1901 in Hackney London.
Third Generation
4. James Henry Smith. Born on 1 Jun 1876 in 136 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green, London.1 James Henry died in Hackney Hospital, Hackney, London on 7 May 1939, he was 62.1 Was on the census for 1 Albion Terrace, Derby Rd, Hackney London in 1901. Buried in Manor Park, London.
Last address is 260 Rushmore Rd, Hackney, he lived here over his shoe shop. His age is given as 62 on his death certificate.
Census: 1901: 1 Albion Terrace, Derby Rd, Hackney
On 25 Dec 1895 when James Henry was 19, he married Emma Storey, daughter of John William Storey (24 May 1860-5 Nov 1924) & Susannah Lyons (abt 1860/61-29 Mar 1917), in St Paul's Church, Haggerston, Shoreditch.1 Born on 17 Nov 1878 in 1 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green, London. Emma died in Hackney Hospital Hackney Lnd on 18 Apr 1960, she was 81.
Census: on 1911 census it says 11 children born alive, with 6 still alive. 5 died address is 11 Cranbrook St Bethnal Green
They had the following children:
i. Daisy Lily (1900-)
ii. Charles E (~1903-)
iii. John (~1905-)
iv. Violet Rose (1907-1974)
v. Edward Arthur (1909-)
vi. James (~1910-)
vii. Robert Alfred (1912-1988)
viii. Doris Victoria (1913-1996)
ix. Florence Caroline (1919-2004)
5. Thomas Walter Smith. Born abt 1883 in Bethnal Green London.
On 28 May 1899 when Thomas Walter was 16, he married Eliza A Walker, daughter of James S Walker (abt 1845-), in St Pauls Church Haggerston Lnd. Born abt 1879.
They had one child:
i. Eliza (~1900-)
In 1899 When Eliza & Thomas Married her address was 81 Broadway London Fields it looks like 81 Thomas was at 55 Broadway Witnesses was Herbert Silliven or Gilliven (Could be Sullivan) & Caroline Smith Father of Eliza is James Walker Stallman deceased
6. Annie Rosena Smith. Born abt 1886 in Bethnal Green London.
On 3 Apr 1905 when Annie Rosena was 19, she married John Henry Gilkes, in St Paul's Church Haggeston London. Born on 24 Jun 1883.
They had one child
i. John Henry (1905-)
7. Edward Arthur Smith. Born on 2 Oct 1893 in Hackney London. Occupation: Carman.
In 4 Qrt 1911 when Edward Arthur was 17, he married Rosina Stannard, in Hackney District. Born on 12 Nov 1894 in 34 Turville Street Bethnal Green Lnd.
They had one child:
i. Florence (1915-)
Sunday, 15 November 2009
A Christmas Gift Challenge End of Wk 10
Well the end of Wk 10 9th Nov - 15th Nov & I managed to do 3 Pot Holders/Hot Pads & a Pair of Regia Cotton Socks the colour of these are more a airforce blue but it don't show them up well in the photo
I have to get some swaps put together for posting this coming week & am not sure how much sewing I will get done but will be starting another pair of socks but these will be done in 6 ply as most of the socks I been doing have used 4 ply.
I may have done a pair of socks I have not shown it was a navy pair of Regia Silky so but I lost track of when I finished them so have not counted them in my tally
How are you all doing on your Christmas Gifts or even Thanksgiving if you celebrate that, have you seen the days left to Christmas it only 39 days left as I write this so may even less when you read it.
Well I hope you like the Pot Holders it my attempt at doing Applique which I rather like doing hardest part is finding a nice easy picture that I want to do as much as some look really nice if they have lots of different colours in at present I like a picture that is one or two colours or if there is more it not all on the same part.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
A Christmas Gift Challenge End of Wk 9
Well it the end of Wk9 in the Christmas Gift Challenge (2nd Nov -8th Nov) I sort of cheated just slightly here as I did finish the 3 runners but needed to do the sewing down of the binding so rather than I worked on one runner which I would have got one or two done I worked on all 3 so they were fully finished actually yesterday (9th Nov) but so I could show them I have counted them as last weeks finished items.
The table runners have been done from my online group swap that was called Maker's Choice we did this sometime ago & I thought they would be fine for table runners these are going to be gifts of course my DH asked me if I would do them for him to give so had to do them of course he don't ask for much quilting things.
I really do struggle with the binding & DH said do it all by machine, well the other day he said something when I was telling him about how much I really like some quilts that has such fancy quilting so he said it about time I learnt wasn't being nasty or anything so I explained that they done on a long arm & people either have their own or send it out or have much fancier machines which cost a lot well that soon had him thinking lol anyway when it came to the binding I do prefer if it was hand sewn down on the back so decided that what I would do as he said about time I learnt well it not just a case of learning it also my hands doing it anyway I started & done the first & was working on the second when I had to stop for something & DH said he do it so he carried on with that & I started the third one so between us we managed to get all 3 done yesterday.
But boy do I have very sore fingers I am having to find something to advoid this if I am going to do it this way especially if I want to do quilts, I have a metal thimble but it too big, I don't know how they do the size or you even work out what size you are also what is best as with a metal one you can't grab the needle very well, so what do all of you do & use
Weather is rather grey & I have been having some bad nights sleeping with me getting up in the middle of the night I did manage to stay in bed last night but was awake every 2 hours, I have been in pain with my back & hips so that not helped
I am waiting on the place where I got my machine to send the needle threader for it as while sewing I lightly knocked it & it came off it the little plastic lugs that hold the metal part to the plastic part that broke so a new one is needed.
I am working on some more socks so they should be done for next week report, so do get on with your Christmas gifts as it will soon be upon us have a good week of getting your gifts done
Sunday, 8 November 2009
This, That & Some More
This past week I been having computer problems if it not the contection it to do with pages not coming up, on top of that the computer seems to have gone really slow takes ages to shut down it takes even a while when you click on close for it to come up not sure what is wrong have tried restoring back to last month plus doing several virus checks which showed nothing so not sure what the problem is I am reluctant to reformat the hard drive as one program I have on is the EQ6 & you only get so many activations & I have use a couple so if i can advoid the format I will then I won't have to use what I think could be the last chance then you have to pay for more which i think is wrong great program but lousy idea
Earlier in the week I had tried cutting some wadding & of course as it was a piece that I needed to have space which I don't have I made a mistake so was moaning about not able to cut yardage well to make a long story short decided that the table which I work on should go in to the main bedroom it was in the small spare room.
The difference is that when I worked in the small room I looked across the width which is about 3ft the length of around 5ft was mostly to the left but the right didn't have much space at the end well moved some things from the main bedroom to the small room & not have the table in the main bedroom so when I work I can sit at the end & look at the length of the table & when I want to cut just move my chair & I have room for the yardage rather than trying to fit it in.
I still have to finish tidying away but did manage to get the table runners I am working on to the binding stage so hope to finish them later today.
While doing this change around I looked in a box I have fabric in & saw fabric I had forgotten about well had to get on hands & knees to try to get under the table before now while I still have it under the table it is easier to access.
It rather early morning here while writing this as I can't sleep been having some really bad restless nights, my hip is hurting well more of a ache that won't stop which don't help I will be off to bed after finishing this hoping that I will be able to go to back to sleep
I hope to report tomorrow on my gift challenge which won't be much as I have seemed to let time get away this week again, & Christmas is fast approaching the days are sure coming up fast so things do need to be finished so you see how I done in my next blog
Earlier in the week I had tried cutting some wadding & of course as it was a piece that I needed to have space which I don't have I made a mistake so was moaning about not able to cut yardage well to make a long story short decided that the table which I work on should go in to the main bedroom it was in the small spare room.
The difference is that when I worked in the small room I looked across the width which is about 3ft the length of around 5ft was mostly to the left but the right didn't have much space at the end well moved some things from the main bedroom to the small room & not have the table in the main bedroom so when I work I can sit at the end & look at the length of the table & when I want to cut just move my chair & I have room for the yardage rather than trying to fit it in.
I still have to finish tidying away but did manage to get the table runners I am working on to the binding stage so hope to finish them later today.
While doing this change around I looked in a box I have fabric in & saw fabric I had forgotten about well had to get on hands & knees to try to get under the table before now while I still have it under the table it is easier to access.
It rather early morning here while writing this as I can't sleep been having some really bad restless nights, my hip is hurting well more of a ache that won't stop which don't help I will be off to bed after finishing this hoping that I will be able to go to back to sleep
I hope to report tomorrow on my gift challenge which won't be much as I have seemed to let time get away this week again, & Christmas is fast approaching the days are sure coming up fast so things do need to be finished so you see how I done in my next blog
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
A Christmas Gift Challenge End of Wk 8 & Other Things
The Christmas Gift Challenge for wk8 26th Oct - 1st Nov well just wasn't no gifts completed what with my sister-in-law's passing & having to go down to see my brother then we had one of DH's sister & husband here for a visit I didn't get time to work on what I wanted to hope to make up for it this week if I can.
I have received some Fat Quarters today which I won in a give-away it was from Amy of Mrs. Schmenkman Quilts lovely FQs I also received yesterday some lovely crochet flowers & some cones which will go on the Christmas Tree from Robin of RSISLANDCRAFTS again lovely items Thank You Both.
We still don't know as to when the funeral will be of my DSIL, not too much else is happening here I am working on some more table runners which I hope to finish for this weeks tally of the challenge how are you all doing we are now in November & Christmas will be upon us before we know it.
Do you do hand-made gifts as presents you could always do some cooking may be get some glacier cherries soak in a brandy or some other spirit for at least a couple of weeks then melt some chocolate & dip them in & put in to little paper cases to make a box of chocolates or even do marsipan ones
May be make up a little food gift box if it for someone who has everything, or do a face cloth & put in to a little basket with some bath/shower items to make a little toiletry gift there is lots of gift ideas that don't have to cost the earth do let me know how you all are doing with your gift challenge
I have received some Fat Quarters today which I won in a give-away it was from Amy of Mrs. Schmenkman Quilts lovely FQs I also received yesterday some lovely crochet flowers & some cones which will go on the Christmas Tree from Robin of RSISLANDCRAFTS again lovely items Thank You Both.
We still don't know as to when the funeral will be of my DSIL, not too much else is happening here I am working on some more table runners which I hope to finish for this weeks tally of the challenge how are you all doing we are now in November & Christmas will be upon us before we know it.
Do you do hand-made gifts as presents you could always do some cooking may be get some glacier cherries soak in a brandy or some other spirit for at least a couple of weeks then melt some chocolate & dip them in & put in to little paper cases to make a box of chocolates or even do marsipan ones
May be make up a little food gift box if it for someone who has everything, or do a face cloth & put in to a little basket with some bath/shower items to make a little toiletry gift there is lots of gift ideas that don't have to cost the earth do let me know how you all are doing with your gift challenge
Monday, 2 November 2009
Malvern Autumn Quilt Show 2009
Below is a slide show of some of the quilts that was at the Malvern Autumn Quilt Show 2009
The show it self was not bad some bargains but much the same price as if i wasn't there I did get a roatating cutting mat & a I Believe Christmas Panel & some patterns my friend Pat bought me a lovely Kit for a beautiful table runner, I really enjoyed the day so look at the quilts & enjoy
The show it self was not bad some bargains but much the same price as if i wasn't there I did get a roatating cutting mat & a I Believe Christmas Panel & some patterns my friend Pat bought me a lovely Kit for a beautiful table runner, I really enjoyed the day so look at the quilts & enjoy
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Come and meet November Your Novermber Angel
Here is your guardian angel for the month of November May she guard over you.
I hope that this will be a good month for you & that while the nights draw in & winter comes you can be warm in Love

I hope that this will be a good month for you & that while the nights draw in & winter comes you can be warm in Love

~Come and meet November~
An angel so sublime
Her joy a special treasure
In evergreens she finds
Watching oh so carefully
Each special tree will be
A compliment to nature
Dressed as Christmas tree
She touches every branch
To give the tree new life
An angel from the heavens
She casts a special light
Makes the limbs so supple
Fragrance so divine
This angel of the evergreens
A gift for special time
On Christmas she will enter
Your heart will feel her love
A most devoted treasure
A heart of peace above
Beauty she enshrines
With each majestic tree
Filled up with your memories
A special heart you see
November's sweetest gift of peace
A tree of perfect art
As snow falls down upon the earth
It nourishes your heart.~
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