Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Having a change around Again

Went out yesterday & in a charity shop I saw what they call a Office suite it a sort of one that goes in to a corner except it has two cupboards at the side well I thought after measuring it would be good as a sewing table so I am waiting on that to arrive. 

This to replace a table I been using I think it will take up less room in the bedroom while still allowing me to work around it when cutting & give me the room when sewing.

I also ordered 2 books 

  1. Bed Runners & More

Make Your Bed

Bed Runners & More

I have received Make your own bed this morning so Bed Runners & More will be in the next few days 

I am wanting to do some bed runners some which can also really go as table runners hope the links will work I not ordered from these places but used it to show the books off. 

I not been well lately what with the vertigo & since the week-end had bowel trouble but on the positive I lost 3lbs so that a bonus lol 

I am working on a teapot block for this month's person have it ready to just sew on I have fused it on but not sewn it yet well I hope is doing well & getting plenty of sewing done


  1. Can't wait to see what you make from your new books. I've been planning a bed runner for my own bed, and just can't make myself get started on it. Take care of yourself, and I hope your health issues are soon gone.

  2. My next big project is desiging a quilt, pillows and bed runner for our bed!


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