Sunday 30 September 2018

Made A Start on Quilt & other stuff

I have Finished a pair of socks for DH that I mention in the last post here is the finished pair

I have also made a start on the Wool & Needle III Flannel Quilt which again I mention in previous post so here is the Centre part of it I will be adding a border around it then will do Log Cabin blocks around it


Monday 24 September 2018

I'm Back to Crafts

Well it has been a while since posting again i had to see the nurse to get the abscess packed every day for 2 months so been a long haul, on the good news side I had my 1st cancer check up & all was good there see them again in 3 months 

I have started to do some knitting & quilting i have done 3 mug rugs which is for the 2 nurses who looked after me plus a receptionist at my GP surgery 

I have also knitted some socks for me i used Linie 2 Silk colour 112

I have also bought some yarn it is Supersocke 4 fach Merino extrafein colour (2220-2225)  looking from left to right except the grey on the right which is 2220 & am knitting a pair of socks for my DH

I have also cut fabric for a flannel quilt which I have been wanting to do as I got the fabric about 2 or more years ago it is Primitive Gathering for Moda Wool & Needles III

They have now got Wool & Needles VI which is very similar as you can see

I hope that I will do better with my posts